DPS Sangrur has embarked on a mission to give the children an institution of learning comparable to the best in the world. Run by Iris Philanthropic Educational Society which is inspired by the P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization), one of the pioneer societies, founded on January 21, 1869, by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
DPS Sangrur has embarked on a mission to give the children an institution of learning comparable to the best in the world. Run by Iris Philanthropic Educational Society which is inspired by the P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization), one of the pioneer societies, founded on January 21, 1869, by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. The Society intends to continue the legacy of Philanthropic work in the field of Education in India. The Society has teamed up Delhi Public Society, New Delhi in providing education from Nursery to Class XII.
The DPS Family having a Global Network over 200 English medium, co-educational, secular schools with its transcontinental identity, is not merely a list of institutions, persons or facts; it is a network of values, systems and relationships.
Our mission is to nurture our students to realize their potential and identify and achieve their goals in an environment of rich tutelage, and joyful and harmonious learning. While keeping alive the spirit of togetherness and ‘Service Before Self’, we aim to bring forth responsible citizens of the world who make a difference and who will make the school and nation proud of their achievements and stellar personal qualities.
We intend to evolve social, emotional, physical, spiritual development of the students and enhance their intellectual ability to understand life. Iris Philanthropic Educational Society is a non Profit organization investing in state of the art infrastructure and other requirements needed to establish a world-class educational institution. It is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, in the office of Registrar Firms & Societies, Punjab vide registration no. 054 of 2010, Dt. 18th May 2010. It aims for -