DPS Sangrur has embarked on a mission to give the children an institution of learning comparable to the best in the world. Run by Iris Philanthropic Educational Society which is inspired by the P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization), one of the pioneer societies, founded on January 21, 1869, by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
At Delhi Public School, Sangrur, Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. DPS believes that love for education should be developed in children during the initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life.
A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group co-ordinator and facilitator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examination and homework. Development of oral and written expression is emphasized upon. Home assignments are not a carry-over of class work but oriented towards honing individual talents.
With every class as Educomp Smart Class, it is a paradigm shift that is doing what no one had thought of before: bringing technology into each and every classroom. It empowers the teacher with well-researched mapped curriculum digital modules, which she/he projects right in the classrooms to elucidate and explain concepts to children visually. The result is nothing short of amazing. Classrooms have become alive and the perennial tug of war between the teacher's challenge to explain and students' struggle to understand is giving way to an inspired participation in the journey of discovering new concepts in classrooms.
The student spends three years in this part of schooling.
Age 3+ years as on 30th March of the year in which the admission is sought (As per the Certificate issued by the Registrar Births & Deaths)
Age 4+ years as on 30th March of the year in which the admission is sought
Age 5+ years as on 30th March of the year in which the admission is sought
The play-way method lays focus on learning by doing. Children are introduced to learning techniques which encourage learning in an atmosphere of freedom and spontaneity. More opportunities are being created to encourage creativity .The Montessori approach is followed with precision to allow the children to learn and grow.
The School provides well-qualified, experienced staff trained by the DPS Society. We all know that Delhi Public Schools have been the premier institution in India contributing to the IITs, Medical Colleges and other top professional institutions at the all-India level. This has been made possible by a hardworking faculty, which uses modern methods to hone the talent of each child. The faculty of DPS Sangrur is being rigorously trained by the DPS Society, to provide academic excellence at Sangrur.
Classes VI to XII
A strong, well defined CBSE curriculum is taught by experienced and well trained faculty. The teaching is geared towards preparing the students for a career and children begin exploring career options and preparation for entrance for professional streams. The School will be growing each year and as such we will add one class every year to reach the level of class XII.
There are 35 Smart Classes available in School