DPS Sangrur has embarked on a mission to give the children an institution of learning comparable to the best in the world. Run by Iris Philanthropic Educational Society which is inspired by the P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization), one of the pioneer societies, founded on January 21, 1869, by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

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From The Chairman's Desk

DPS Society

Delhi Public Schools, with the motto "Service Before Self", have been serving the Society in the field of education for the last 56 years. There are presently as many as 130 schools under its aegis, both within and outside India. The growing number of schools under this organizational umbrella signifies how the need to provide meaningful education, to a large number of children who are desirous of growing into educated and liberated human beings, is been fulfilled.

A Holistic Approach To Education

The Delhi Public School Society established its first school in 1949 at Mathura Road, New Delhi. In pursuance of its motto 'Service Before Self' and its commitment to create an integrated educational system, the mission of the society was to enhance learning among the Indian youth.

School followed school in rapid succession, and today the Society has grown into a family of 150 schools: 7 of them in New Delhi, 110 in other parts of the country and 33 in foreign countries such as - Kuwait, U.A.E., USA, Nepal, Singapore and many others reflecting its commitment to world class standards of education catering to all sections of the society around the globe. It has come to be recognized throughout the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. Each school has developed into a pace-setting autonomous institution, with a well-designed programme of instruction, based on the pursuit and promotion of excellence.

The vitality of the classrooms, the energy of the play fields and the open friendliness of the work environment have enabled its students to reach their fullest potential - whether it is securing distinction in examinations or winning accolades in dramas, debates, quizzes or sporting activities. This special character of the DPS Society has shaped the destinies of each individual entering its folds. The name Delhi Public School has become synonymous with quality education and this is due to the wonderful blend of 'Service Before Self' and 'Pursuit of Excellence'.

Many factors have played a vital role in the creation of this 'epitome of quality education' - The vision and foresight of the pioneers; the total involvement and professional interest in the cause of education of the management; the appointment of outstanding Principals to steer each school in the right direction and finally an unmatched faculty. Above all centralized policies, decentralized administration, well designed instructional programme and flexible school management systems are the basis of its unique identity. These characteristics have placed the DPS Society on the forefront of the educational map of India and the world.

Today, the Delhi Public School Society is the largest and first multinational educational Institute of India having a global presence, with a result oriented brand equity, which is internationally acclaimed and accepted. Millions of students are being facilitated at various DPS Schools to discover their own inherent endowments, their talent, ability and aptitude.

The vitality of the classrooms, the energy of the play fields and the open friendliness of the work environment have enabled its students to reach their fullest potential whether it is securing distinction in examinations or winning accolades in dramas, debates, quizzes or sporting activities. This special character of the DPS Society has shaped the destiny of each individual entering its folds. The name Delhi Public School has become synonymous with quality education and this is due to the wonderful blend of 'Service Before Self' and 'Pursuit for Excellence'. For almost five decades, the Society has developed with a spirit and a vision. Today its stands as a 'citadel of learning', and a harbinger of 'Quality Consciousness' committed to developing the minds and initiative of children.